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Many great books have been written based on the information provided within the pages of this book. Although it was published in 1992, at the core of the information provide is the answer that many women are trying to understand. Men and Women are very different in how they process information. Because this book is over 20 years old, some of the information may primarily apply to either a male trait or a woman trait, however when can recognize the person you are speaking with is communicating in a way different than you are, you work harder at helping them to understand what you are saying. There are many men who still ascribe to the character outlined in this book about men and the same for the women; however there are some women who process information like a man and vice versa. The key is to learn how to recognize the differences. What I like to tell people, if the information applies to over 50% of the people you know, then receive it's wisdom. It may not apply to you or your situation but if  it can be applied to over 50% of the people you know then hear what the author is sharing and just store the knowledge in heart for future reference.


Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus


  • Men are from Mrs, Women are from Venus

  • Mr. Fix It

  • Men go to their caves, women need to talk

  • How to Motivate the Opposite Sex

  • Speaking Different Languages

  • Men are like Rubber Bands

  • Women are Like Waves

  • Discovering our Emotional Needs

  • How to Avoid Arguments

  • Scoring points with the opposite sex

  • How to Communicate Difficult Feelings

  • How to ask for Support and Get It

  • Keeping the Magice of Love Alive

Your Relationship to your Spouse

© 2023 Proverbs Life Application Guide.

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