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What is Transformation?

In order for us to begin the “Transformation” process, we must take the time to do a snapshot review of our life. Where we were before we became saved, how far we’ve evolved or changed and where do we want to be. Thus we must Revolve (evaluate where we’ve been) so that we can Evolve or chart the path to where we want to be.
The 3 Christian Foundation of Life


There are 3 elements in a Christian’s life

1) God
2) Man and
3) Woman


And there are 2 types of relationships Christians are involved in on a day to day basis; 1) The relationship between a man and a woman in marriage or by unification and 2) The relationship men and women have throughout their everyday lives with coworkers, bosses, people in restaurants, school settings etc.  The triangle shows how God is at the head of both man and woman or man-kind, in all matters and they should all touch and agree. When we become married, our goal should be as we grow together in God we will also become one with God. For the other types of relationships in our lives with both men and women, we still have to consult God when dealing with issues involving others because our ultimate goal is to be like Jesus' example here on earth. We should ask ourselves what we must do to allow our actions and decisions to be governed by the Holy Spirit and not by our fleshly desires, emotions and impulses.

7 Areas of Life

Through our day to day interaction between both men and women, there are seven types of areas or relationships where we must learn how to ask ourselves WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) in handling issues that arise out of these areas;


1) Societal Issues

2) Family Issues

3) Self - Learning who we are

4) Relationship Issues

5) Parenting Issues

6) Our Finances and

7) Our Faith Walk


The issues we face from day to day encompass these different relationships all day and every day and although they may intertwine, finding balance in one of these areas is not necessarily the same resolution or even prayer. We have to learn how to identify the areas where we are weak and pray that God reveals in us what is needed for us to have peace. If we don’t know what is wrong, we won’t know how to pray for healing in that area and thus, we have to specific in our prayers.


The issues we face with 1) Society related issues which include the messages television, the internet, our friends and all elements in society and how they try to influence our views on our Christian walk are different than the issues we face within our 2) Family dynamics. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, cousins, etc. The challenges we face in fixing or healing in these areas are also different than what we must do to fix the issues we have with just understanding (3) Self or who You are. Thus in summary, each area of our life has to be analyzed to determine where you are strong and the areas where you are weak. Although each area should be surrender to God’s will, where we are weak are those areas that we must especially learn how to ask him to reveal in ourselves, what must we do to be more like Him, than like our flesh.

Until we learn how to surrender these areas in our lives to God, we will find ourselves feeling like we are “Out of Balance” or out of control in them. Transformation and Sanctification process is where we start looking at each area and the issues identified in them to determine what still needs to be fully “surrendered” to God’s perfect will. Although we might recognize there are some areas that we fully trust God to order our steps in; and yet for those areas where we are weak, we don’t realize how we are hindering our walk/relationship with God.



People who are still weak minded in their walk say things like God is still working on me in that area”! As Christians we know there is power in the tongue and in the words that we speak therefore, it is just a “Trap” for them to believe God is blessing them regardless of their weak areas and leave that as their excuse for showing those behaviors. True deliverance comes when we surrender “All” areas to Him so that we can experience the fullness or all He has in store for us, in “All” areas of our lives, and not just some areas. Yes what He has for me is for me, yet we won’t experience true abundant living until we die of flesh to become more like Christ.


Once you start studying, accepting and living out His word on a day to day basis, then you can experience what life is like to live in the world according to His word and yet not be of the world. But what exactly does sanctification really mean? It means you’re not persuaded by outside influences such as television, family, friends and/or peers who are living outside the will of God. Christians are people who strive to be Christ like. Dying of the Human Spirit and desiring to be more of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis so that they can maintain an intimate relationship with The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Then you will be able to hear when the Holy Spirit speaks to you. If you don't do any of those things it is hard to come to know who you are in Christ because you haven't figured out yet who He is!


© 2023 Proverbs Life Application Guide.

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