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What is Spiritual Maturity?


The word “Spiritual” deals with our health (who we are as a spiritual person) while “Maturity” deals with our growth. God wants you to grow. We are designed to grow. Spiritual Maturity is a Journey that one embarks upon but is never ending. Though we may never reach a complete level of Spiritual Maturity –we should always be in a process of learning and growing and striving to be Christ Like. We need to understand the spiritual dynamics of the new creation, i.e. the spirit man. And one of the dynamics of the spirit man is the spiritual growth.


Paul said that when he was a child he spoke as a child, he thought as a child but when he became a man (mature), he left the childish things (1Corinthians 13: 11).

The level of your spiritual maturity determines your motives, behaviors, action and your understanding. It is reflected in your behaviors, thoughts and your speech. It builds your spiritual character. The quality of your life also depends on the level of your spiritual maturity. How you handle issues of life like stress, problems and success depends on your spiritual level of development. Your level of blessings are based on your level of maturity and capabilities (KJV Matthew 25:15) and your level of growth is based on your desire to grow (KJV 1 Peter 2:1).Much of the crises we see in the church, in our families and our everyday lives are rooted in the spiritual levels of who we are as Christians. Being careless about your spiritual development can be very costly to you as a believer (Galatians 4:1).

Jesus admonished the Jews who believed in Him that they had to be committed to his word if they wanted to enjoy permanent freedom (John 8:31-32). Lack of spiritual growth denies many Christians the blessings Jesus died to give them. All heavenly blessings are ours, but until we reach certain levels of spiritual maturity we can’t walk in the reality of many blessings that are ours in Christ.

Our spiritual growth is not based on the knowledge we have obtained, but in our works and our deeds, our behaviors and not just our beliefs. I like to use the term “Don’t Talk About It, Be About It”.


Seven Principles to Spiritual Maturity and Growth:


  • Accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

  • Strive to be like Christ

  • Studying the word of God as this is our food

    We cannot grow up by consuming only milk. Like a small babe, in the early stages milk is vital and important but as we mature in the word, me must learn how to feed ourselves naturally and spiritually. We must have a balanced diet. Like a child when asked to eat their spinach, though it might not taste good, it is good for you. We need to learn how to balance our faith in applying God’s word in our everyday lives. Though we can survive on candy alone, it is not the healthiest thing to do. We must learn how live and apply Christ’s principles in our lives  in order to be spiritually healthy

  • Applying the word God in our daily lives so that we may mature as Christians

  • The more you grow spiritually, the more you are capable of handling more.

    For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more (KJV Luke 12:48).

    As mature Christians, you should strive to do more in kingdom building than just being a bench warmer. As you mature in the word, become a part of the movement for kingdom building. That can be in the church, in the community or even in your family by becoming Disciples for Christ (ESV Ephesians 4:11-17)

  • The goal of a Christian is maintaining balance in all areas of our lives and remembering all things have to be surrendered to the Lord.

© 2023 Proverbs Life Application Guide.

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